Recent content by sprucebr1

  1. sprucebr1

    Need some help upgrading

    Honestly I would get the 9600GT DDR3. Although getting the RAM first is likely a better option right now. Either that or like said before save your money and get a HD 4770 or something.
  2. sprucebr1

    Upgrade gpu or just cpu only?

    You don't honestly need to upgrade right now. Although GTX 260 Core 216 would be easier. Q6600 + GTX260 216 is fine.
  3. sprucebr1

    Advice on mobo GPU combo

    Honestly It looks pretty good. As far as graphics go The HD 4200 IGP is likely not enough for gaming, you may want to look at getting a HD 4670 or HD 4770 for right now. Otherwise go right to an HD5770. Hope that helps.
  4. sprucebr1

    Can hd 5850 run dual monitors with hdtv clone?

    From what I've read, Yeah 3 different LCD monitors can be used. The DVI is only Dual Link meaning one each, I guess. HDMI is on the card, so three monitors should be no problem. If your having trouble you might want to check the site or play with the Catalyst software a bit.
  5. sprucebr1

    HDD question

    Yeah, for the number of HDD's. Your fine.
  6. sprucebr1

    Help buying a computer

    I agree, A custom PC would the better option here. This will allow you to custom "tweak" the BOS.
  7. sprucebr1

    First time building a computer

    First off, Motherboard, RAM, and CPU all need to be compatible. AM3 Mobo + AM3 CPU, then DDR3 should work. You're on the right track though. Stay with an AMD 780G or higher chipset. Hope that helps.
  8. sprucebr1

    What psu should i use for my 9800gt?

    I agree, Corsair 450watt would be great. Antec may be the other thing to look at. Also remember to check to see if the 9800GT needs a 6-pin PCI-E PSU connection, I can't remember.
  9. sprucebr1

    RAM Question

    I agree, save some money and just go for 6GB RAM here. You will be fine.
  10. sprucebr1

    Problem with DVI Connection to my PC with Samsung P2350

    You may have tried this. Is the DVI cable plugged into the monitor correctly? I often have to make sure the pins are lined up the right way. Bent pins are a real pain to fix.
  11. sprucebr1

    [Graphics Card] help

    This should be included, but the other thing to remember is the PSU. You will need 1x PCI-E 8pin, and possibly 1x PCI-E 6pin. I think the HD4870 requires more than just one power connection. Be sure to check your power supply, you should be OK though.
  12. sprucebr1

    Can't get digital 5.1 sound out of ASUS M3N-H/HDMI

    If your using HDMI, then sound is covered. HDMI will take care of both sound and video, up to 1080p. My suggestion would be to try DVI and then use the coaxial sound. Using HDMI and coax may not work so well, seeing as HDMI will try to manage sound as well. Good luck.
  13. sprucebr1

    Phenom II x4 955 - which MB/RAM should I get?

    If I were you, DDR3 RAM, and a 790GX or 790X chipset would be on my list. ASUS makes very good looking boards for 780G and 790X chipsets. AM3 would be the way to go. 6GB of RAM would be fine, no more would be needed. I would say either ASUS or Gigabyte for the mobo. Corsair, OCZ, Kingston...
  14. sprucebr1

    Help! New Parts.

    I agree about the PSU. Corsair or say OCZ would be a great buy here. No more than about 750watt is needed here. The HD 4870x2 is also a little much, a 4850 or an GTS 250 would do the job. Looks good otherwise.
  15. sprucebr1

    Hdd upgrade

    I guess he easy thing to do would be to use eSATA if you can. If not, I would put the new HDD in the PC, and copy all the stuff to the new HDD. Although programs and such maybe harder, I would worry more about "My Documents" and such though. Download or reinstall the programs for the other...