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    • StefjG
      StefjG replied to the thread Question Is my GPU dead?.
      I've switched to the original Ryzen cooler and it's doing fine. So it makes me think maybe it wasn't the psu after all and just the pump...
    • StefjG
      StefjG replied to the thread Question Is my GPU dead?.
      So I tried with a different psu and gpu, but now it seems CPU is getting too hot and shutting down. Temps were at 115 C° after shutting...
    • StefjG
      StefjG reacted to Lutfij's post in the thread Question Is my GPU dead? with Like Like.
      Welcome to the forums, newcomer! Today finally I had the chance to open it and found out that one of the pins from the GPU connector...
    • StefjG
      StefjG replied to the thread Question Is my GPU dead?.
      I'll see where I can maybe take it for that, thanks.
    • StefjG
      StefjG reacted to rene641's post in the thread Question Is my GPU dead? with Like Like.
      Take the card to someone who will be able to replace the power connector and buy a new PSU cable... View...
    • StefjG
      StefjG replied to the thread Question Is my GPU dead?.
      Thank you for the reply. Sorry I completely forgot to add the specs and pictures. Here's the specs that I remember: CPU: Ryzen 9 3900x...
    • StefjG
      Hey, yesterday I was gaming and suddenly the smell of burning happened and after a while the PC turned off, right after it would turn on...
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