Recent content by SuperPants7441

  1. SuperPants7441

    [SOLVED] i5 7600k - Why do i have a lower bench score when compared to itself on CPU-Z?

    I see, okay. So if I understand you correctly, you’re suggesting the reference score I refer too is one that’s almost crowd sourced, for want of a better term, from those that have OC’d their cpu higher than mine?
  2. SuperPants7441

    [SOLVED] i5 7600k - Why do i have a lower bench score when compared to itself on CPU-Z?

    Hi I have an i5 7600k overclocked to 4.2ghz. When running a CPU benchmark on CPU-Z, I am getting a higher than 'reference' single thread bench score when compared to its self as a reference. My score 504.9 versus reference score 480. However my multi-thread score is 1147.4 versus the reference...