Recent content by Survarium

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    Best Graphics Cards For The Money: January 2012 (Archive)

    best mid-range was r9 270 for only 160$
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    battlefield 4 with core i3 3220

    gt9400 going to r9 270
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    battlefield 4 with core i3 3220

    hi guys i can play bf4 ultra with core i3 same as i7 ????
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    pc for gaming 1080p

    thx i found SeaSonic S12II 620 Bronze 620W 64$
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    pc for gaming 1080p

    550w watt enough for upgrade to gtx 860 in future ???
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    pc for gaming 1080p

    hi guys this will be good PC for gaming 1080p CPU Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core $184.99 Motherboard Gigabyte GA-H97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 $88.99 Memory Kingston Fury Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 $74.99 Storage Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM $49.99 Video Card Sapphire...
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    new build for gaming 1080p

    plez help guys
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    new build for gaming 1080p

    hi guys this will be good pc ??? my games battlefield 4 GTA V watch dog
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    gtx750 ti vs gtx750

    hi guys i want upgrade from gt9400 my rig cpu:core duo e7500 mb:asrock g41c-s ram:4g hdd:320g psu 600w generic monitor 19 inch LCD 1440X900 gtx750ti only 5 fps higher and 40$ expensive .....What are your suggestions ?? upgrade to new motherboard and core i5...
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    add2psu in one pc

    thx guys
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    add2psu in one pc

    hhhhh iam form iraq .... =D
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    add2psu in one pc

    hi guy i have 2 generic psu 600w ....i want to tun it in one rig .... to run r9 270 ... i will sue this in my country good psu cost 100-125$
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    power supply 600w
