Recent content by Takoss123

  1. T

    Question CPU not cooling properly ?

    Actually, yeah, I just realized what I actually asked, well ok. It's off to the repair shop. Thanks again!
  2. T

    Question CPU not cooling properly ?

    Alrighty. One last thing before I give into sending it away for repairs, would reseating the block help/possibly fix the problem or is it completely unnecessary ?
  3. T

    Question CPU not cooling properly ?

    The problem has come back, apparently I hadn't fixed it. And, I think that it is indeed poor flow because the 2 tubes are worlds apart in temperature, even after like 15 minutes of sitting around. So do you have any idea how I can fix it? A couple of extra notes: I have no option to regulate...
  4. T

    Question Problem regarding MSI center

    I mean, I tried that a while back, so far it's working. I'll see if it opens properly once I restart my pc.
  5. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    Perfect, it seems your problem was fixed. Now I'm off to make a complaint at razer for their synapse messing up AIO pumps and preventing them from running full power. (this is a joke, i'm too lazy to open a ticket with razer support) I'm glad your problem is no more.
  6. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    That should hopefully make your temperatures normal. Or at least lower than 77.
  7. T

    Question Problem regarding MSI center

    So, I've had my computer for about 8 months by now. A couple of months ago MSI center started acting strangely and sometimes completely refusing to turn on or on the rare occasion it does, it immediately kicks off into an update. Recently it has even stopped opening thus preventing me from...
  8. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    Colif, this is the video I was referencing. So yea, in conclusion, Icy's overheating is either caused by bad software or by air buildup in the pump. What I would suggest is to either do what I've mentioned a couple of times already or to just carefully either tip the whole tower or just the...
  9. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    I have, but I still stand behind my words. And, JayzTwoCents also has videos related to how you should and shouldn't mount ur aio. So, both are correct, but tubes up is better if you leave your pc off for prolonged periods of time and if you don't mind bubbling sounds.
  10. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    I'm fairly certain that there's something wrong with razer's software that is making some components go haywire. If you're not doing anything important at the moment you should try turning off ur pc and then ur psu and waiting for a couple of seconds, then booting the system up again
  11. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    The problem may actually lie in the recent razer synapse update. I too experienced very very high temperatures after an update. When did your problem arise?
  12. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    Personally I wouldn't put the pipes at the bottom, keeping them higher than the pump is better.
  13. T

    Question High Idle Temps (Need Help)

    Do you happen to have any razer peripherals or anything of that sort? Also have you tried to feel if your radiator is actually heating up and if the tubes are also heating up. Another thing you can try is to flick the switch of your psu off and on while ur pc is turned on
  14. T

    Question CPU not cooling properly ?

    That is exactly how my radiator is mounted. However now I want to ask something. is it better if the tubing comes in the top or the bottom of the radiator. What I mean is, should my radiator be mounted tube holes up or tube holes down.
  15. T

    Question CPU not cooling properly ?

    Thank you both for the tips and advice. Weirdly enough, the problem got fixed a lot easier than you'd expect. All it took was a couple of hours of being turned off and then flicking the switch of the psu off and on. I still have absolutely no idea what could have actually caused the poor cooling...