Recent content by Team_kill

  1. T

    Where and how to get certified/what to take? (in compTIA, etc. 19y/o little job experience. I need help.)

    Start making weird youtube videos views equals to money,if you have good skills start making video games and selling them,,,or probably mcdonalds always open everywhere.
  2. T

    Youtube is slow, downloads are slow (not all day though)

    Use Internet Download Manager for downloading anything it is super fast and if you have chrome you can download an extension called improved youtube if not then download another extension html5 video for youtube
  3. T

    Accidently uninstalled amd display driver and hdmi

    So I was updating my amd drivers to latest version but display driver and sound HDMI was always failing to install.So I look up onto the internet then some one recommend me to uninstall my previous drivers and then try again but still it was a failure then someone said to go to device manager...