Recent content by TeflonJon__

  1. T

    Question Budget laptop recommendations (~$550-850USD) w/ good cooling and durability

    Thank you so much Nighthawk117!! The two options you suggested were definitely the best options I've seen in my hours of research. - I actually just placed the order for this laptop about 5 minutes ago. The purchase came with Dying Light 2 (I have over 200hrs played on Dyling Light), and some...
  2. T

    Question Budget laptop recommendations (~$550-850USD) w/ good cooling and durability

    MSI GF75 this laptop looks very promising, especially at 144hz. any input?
  3. T

    Question Budget laptop recommendations (~$550-850USD) w/ good cooling and durability

    Thanks - the ROG G15 is too pricey, but that MSI GF63 looks promising.
  4. T

    Question Budget laptop recommendations (~$550-850USD) w/ good cooling and durability

    Great point regarding the software. I will get that aftermarket, otherwise it'll restrict my options too much. The ROG G15 looks great but the cheapest model i found was ~1300. Bit too much for my wallet.
  5. T

    Question Budget laptop recommendations (~$550-850USD) w/ good cooling and durability

    Hey folks! I'm in the market for a solid budget laptop. My budget is $550 to $850USD. It'll be used for work and some gaming. The most intensive games I will be looking to play would be Call of Duty Warzone and Apex Legends. Other than those 2, I play loads of MTG Arena. I've listed my...