Recent content by Tekknoc

  1. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    Trust me I will. I don’t want this thing in my computer for more than a couple months
  2. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    All I could get. I had a WAY worse psu though. Like I said it has survived every other stress test on OCCT completely fine. I got a error on prime95 though
  3. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    Yo little update. I ran all the benchmarks and stability tests and played games and the computer seems fine? It didn’t even crash when I got the errors or stop the test. So maybe it’s just OCCT being weird?
  4. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    What are the errors though? Should I worry if I can game and stuff
  5. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    Ryzen 7 3700x 1660 SUPER 16GB 3200 MHZ ram EVGA 600 W1 EVO 870 SATA ssd
  6. Tekknoc

    Question Thousands of OCCT power errors?

    Alright so I got a new power supply, case, and cpu cooler and we put it all together. I ran a stress test and stability test for 15 each and it ran really well. And then I started the power test and 15 seconds in I got all of these errors. Anything to worry about? And what is the cause? Image...
  7. Tekknoc

    Question Is the EVGA 600 W1 good for my system?

    Dope :D. Pretty low chance It would fry my pc right? Considering I’m only using 400 of the 600 watts it would help I assume
  8. Tekknoc

    Question Is the EVGA 600 W1 good for my system?

    I definitely wish I could have. But I’m sorta stuck with it now
  9. Tekknoc

    Question Is the EVGA 600 W1 good for my system?

    Hey guys! So right now in my system I have a Cooler Master Extreme 625 2 and it’s pretty old and apparently not that good so I got the EVGA 600 W1 for my birthday. After doing some more digging apparently it’s not that good? It has me worried now but im only using 400 of the 600 watts and my...