Recent content by tgSparc

  1. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    I have no second modem but I'll try and get one to try. Might, in meantime, reset the current one to factory and see if that changes anything.
  2. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    Pinging the router also did not prevent the dc. However, it never showed a loss of connection to the router, so I would assume it's not that connection that is being closed? Also, I pinged a random server/website while playing and saw 4 timed out connections towards it in cmd. Seems like it's...
  3. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    Pinging while gaming does not work, the moment I dc the request times out for 8-9 pings and then comes back online
  4. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    I'm connected via wire. Already tried wireless or wire with WiFi disable but same results
  5. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    Thanks for the reply. I will try again today with pings instead of a stream and try to figuere out who's dropping the connection. Will get back to you.
  6. tgSparc

    [SOLVED] Random disconnects from game servers without network background activity.

    So this little thing is driving me crazy, for the past few weeks I've been unable to game on my desktop because I will disconnect from every game 5-10 minutes in (LoL, SC2, Warzone..). I tried just about anything, nothing seemed to work. Untill today, when I left a twitch stream open and tried...