Recent content by the chasm

  1. T

    So I bought an HD 5830

    I recently purchased an HD 5830 from Newegg at $159. Upon reading some reviews, it seems that maybe a GTX 460 768mb might have been more preferable? I have room in my case for it, but it could have been smaller. And I was reading around (too late) that maybe the 460 is better. That said, I do...
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    Best Card for 1440x900 & Possible Upgrades

    I've worked it out financially, and I pretty much figure that I will not be able to afford anything more than $160 for quite sometime (as I said, no steady income). Therefore, I'll be limited to the 5770's for now. I do have a question though... I've heard that reference-type coolers aren't as...
  3. T

    Best Card for 1440x900 & Possible Upgrades

    I'm looking at getting a new graphics card for my system; my 9500 GT just doesn't quite do it for an optimal gaming experience. My current computer specs are in my sig, but to quickly outline them I have a G45-770 motherboard (sort of out dated bu it works just fine) that supports CrossFire...
  4. T

    Is This Video Card (9500GT) Junk?

    For almost the same price, you could get a 5830, which will perform better, such as this one: However, I've been told and seen the benchmarks, the GTX 460, even the 768MB model, will run faster. I don't no about the...
  5. T

    Best Card for My System - Thinking About 5770 or 5830

    Hmm... I had originally said ATI because I was under the impression they had better cards for the money. However, seeing those benchmark tests and reading the reviews, the GTX 460 does look like a good card, especially since I'm at a lower resolution. I looked on Newegg, all the GTX 460 768 MB...
  6. T

    Best Card for My System - Thinking About 5770 or 5830

    APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: End of the month BUDGET RANGE: $150-$200 max Before Rebates USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Gaming (Crysis, MW2, etc), Design (CS5, Visual Studio), Internet browsing CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT w/ OCZ Fatal1ty 550 watt PSU (can upgrade if...
  7. T

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    Hmm... Well, I probably wont get anything for another 3 or so weeks, but I'll definitely look into that. I have a 1440x900 TV which I use as a monitor... But since this is getting off topic of CPU OCing, I think I'll post something in the graphics section :P
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    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    Best answer selected by The Chasm.
  9. T

    AMD 965 OC Help

    Core Temp is another good program for monitoring, and it can display it's icon in the tray as your current temperature, which makes it easy to monitor. EDIT: 30 degrees at the default clock? Probably pretty accurate for something on that HSF. I've got a 955 OC'd...
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    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    Hey, thanks for the help guys. I think at this point I'm going to stick with the 3.8 GHz and my current cooling setup and go for a new graphics card. Which one would you recommend? I do not want to spend anything more than $250 at the current moment, especially since I do not have the money for...
  11. T

    Getting new cpu, is this okay?

    The Phenom II X4 955 is an excellent CPU. I have one overclocked to 3.8 GHz on air and it performs very well. (My graphics card is my bottleneck :( ). I have a similar mobo to that one as well, just with the 770 chipset. It's good, except the OC switch is useless. I was originally going to get...
  12. T

    Direct OC

  13. T

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    Alright, I lowed the FSB speed to 200 MHz and raised the multiplier to 19 for a 3.8 GHz clock. The system seems stable at this point; under 100% load it didn't crash or anything. I would go higher, but at this point I think the temps are a bit to close for my liking, although my ambient...
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    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    My idle temps average about 37 degrees, and my max temp with Prime95 for 10 minutes was ~63. Also, being new, where do I change the VCore setting? I've looked in the BIOS menu, but the only thing there with voltages is greyed out stuck on AUTO.
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    AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE Overclocking Question

    Hello, I'm pretty much new to building computers and hardware in general, but I recently built my own PC. My specs are found in my signature. I've currently got my CPU to 3.74 GHz at a 210 FSB X 17.5 multiplier. However, I've been looking to push it past 3.8 GHz, but every time I try it...