Right, a last-minute update. I get you Jarred, you can't accuse, but I sure can.
AMD wants more than a single-digit market share. Why do it the hard way when you can do it the easy way and make NVidia seem like a lame duck on a high-profile game being released?
Would it be worth trading in 2 original Titans for a single Titan X? With the DirectX 12 and 12.1 release I am not sure if I needed to get ready for it with the newer Titan X.
I read somewhere that the Titan X will run around $1,000 USD, I am an nVidia person myself so I would stay with the 980 since it should be able to push the pixels you need for 1440. I have never had any luck with anything AMD so I am a bit biased.
I am doing a new PC build myself and I will be using Win 7 64bit Ultimate. They are still available, I figure that with Win 10 coming out and being a free upgrade stick with 7 and not have to learn 8.1, just 10 when it's released.
I am nearing the point where I am going to order a new PC from Origin and I am hoping the community here can help me figure out if new video cards are warranted.
I have two nVidia Titans, the original ones, and I want to know if it is worth it to upgrade to two 980 GTX's or not. I am not...