Recent content by the lostt 1

  1. the lostt 1

    [SOLVED] gpu z reading is weird

    but guys it didnt happened before i installed alienware centre is that the reason why? and how can i return it to normal again and will this damage my gpu?
  2. the lostt 1

    [SOLVED] gpu z reading is weird

    my gtx 1650 laptop version shows weird readings on gpu z and msi afterburner here are the readings the readings keeps changing to none to 300mhz clock speed and so on on temps note that temps are very normal but these readings must indicates something pls help
  3. the lostt 1

    [SOLVED] My laptop cpu heat issue

    throttlestop is doin very good jop in attempting to limit the cpu temp but i want to know how to make a static power limit the CPU power usage like not drawing any more power above 40 watts -- how to do it?