Recent content by theAspiringPCGamer

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    Forwarding Ethernet Signal

    My friend needs to figure out a makeshift ethernet connection for his new custom gaming PC, and I was wondering if there's a way to forward a Wi-Fi connection through his laptop to create a weak ethernet connection to create a makeshift connection for the time being while he waits to get a...
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    Retail FX8350 Came with gray-fingerprint

    I just bought a new computer build off of Newegg and my Fx-8350 has this gray fingerprint looking thing on the top left of the CPU. The package was sealed, however the corners and edges were a tiny bit worn, etc. (I understand it's an old processor) So what does this mean? Is this just left from...
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    New Gaming computer build software

    Hi guys, I have created several forum posts by now asking various questions about my custom gaming computer build and have finally received all the parts in the mail and will start building this weekend (Sat 20/ Sun 21) and wanted to get some input on any necessary/helpful (free) programs that I...
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    Asus GTX 780 Power Connector

    Thanks, you guys have been an amazing help, and now I can continue studying for school! Thanks! @11:00 pm....
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    Asus GTX 780 Power Connector

    I am aware that the modular model of this Power supply is equipped with 4 x 6+2 pin, but is that also for this one? If so, why are they listed differently on Corsair/Newegg's website? Different sources have told me that the non-modular version (the one I have) has 4 x 6+2, but Newegg lists it as...
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    Asus GTX 780 Power Connector

    So, I'm building my first gaming PC, and I have just discovered that my Corsair cx750 (nonmodular) power supply does not have adequate PCIe connectors for the 8+6 pin power plug that my new Asus DirectCUII GTX 780 requires. I am wondering if I need to return my power supply and find a new one...
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    First Computer Build (Gaming)

    I have finally.. after so much waiting.. ordered my complete list of PC parts, and will be shipped soon. I was thinking about how excited I am going to be with my newly earned PC, and I have recently been struck with the concern that something might go wrong. Even though I am having a friend...
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    Corsair 450D out of stock at Newegg

    It says "currently sold out" on Newegg, but I'm not sure if Newegg will restock. The thing is, I would save around $20 getting it on Newegg, so it might be worth waiting, but again, I'm not sure.
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    Corsair 450D out of stock at Newegg

    Oh, also, Amazon only has about 13 left in stock, and they're going quick.
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    Corsair 450D out of stock at Newegg

    I am building a new pc, and have decided on the Corsair 450D. I was going to order it from Newegg tonight when they suddenly went out of stock. I can order on for 99.98 + 13.99 S&H. However, I don't know if Newegg will restock, and if they do, will it be cheaper than Amazon's current...
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    Gpu selection dilemma

    Hey, so I've made some forum posts before asking for some advice regarding my future PC, but I keep running into different dilemmas. I will be a junior in high school next year, and I have just completed my summer job, earning enough money to buy my somewhat expensive PC components. The thing...
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    custom gaming pc

    I have considered the r9 290 and 290x, however i really like nvidia and am pretty much set on one of their cards. My main question was, would the fx-8370/9590 + gtx 880 be better enough (to wait another month or so without a gaming pc) than the fx 8350+ gtx 780?
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    custom gaming pc

    I am about to build a custom gaming pc, and, for awhile, the plan has been to go with the FX-8350 and gtx 780. Soon, however, there will be upgrades to both the 8350 and the 780 (fx-8370, gtx 880) and I was wondering if i should wait and buy the new components and change my plan completely, or...
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    Should I wait to build my pc until Black Friday

    You guys both make good points. I guess I'm also wondering how much I would even end up saving by waiting the extra 2 months until black Friday. Its been such a painful wait!!