Recent content by thebest21445

  1. T

    Is my 4790k bottlenecking my GTX 1080?

    turn off vsync in your video settings in game. thats why u dont get any higher than 60.
  2. T

    can i do this with my cable management?

    i got a new case which is the 750d airflow edition by corsair. i did my best on doing cable management but my 8 pin cpu connector was splitting on my 24 pin connector in the back of my case so the 8 pin cpu connector couldnt stretch as far as they should have so i used quite some force to pull...
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    how durable is an ssd?

    i was driving my computer back to my home and i have my ssd (Samsung 850 Pro 256gb) just hanging in my case not on a 2.5inch slot because my case didnt have room. when i was driving i was going through cobblestone and it was very bumpy and i keep hearing the ssd hitting things inside my pc...
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    can cheatengine give adware, viruses, or malware?

    my friends told me to download cheatengine for a game and when i went to the website i searched on google, i clicked the download cheatengine 6.5.1 and then i went to the said download chromium and make yahoo my default search engine. i clicked exit when i saw that because i...
  5. T

    Does Green and Blue LED match?

    im buying an xl atx case and since i have intel and nvidia hardware inside i will be using blue and green led case fans. do you guys think that it will match. also the case will be either black or white with a side window panel
  6. T

    Is legit?

    i searched up gtx 1080 on google to order one off the shopping. i saw shopblt selling the 1080 ftw by EVGA and i ordered it for a price of a founders edition. i put in 1 day shipping and i searched up reviews of the website and people said that the revuews for the website are mostly fake and...
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    why is my Geforce driver keep crashing?

    i had recently replaced my gtx 780 with the 1080 and when i had my 780 in, there were no problems saying driver kernel had failed. once i installed my gtx 1080 founders edition, i installed the latest driver off of geforce experience. once i did that i started playing games like Rainbow 6 Siege...
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    how do i overclock the gtx 1080 properly?

    i saw a video of Jayz2cents cranking the mv to the max which is +100. i am using +180 on mhz and +400 on memory. should i do what he did and crank it to +100 mv on voltage and put the mhz to +200 and +500 on memory?
  9. T

    should i be paying this much for tax on a gtx 1080?

    i had made my decision to buy the gtx 1080 founders edition by asus on amazon prime. it was 699.99 as they announced by nvidia, but the tax is $50! i cant believe this. im paying basically 750 dollars now and it says it will be shipped in 2-4 weeks. im nit too experienced in buying high end...
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    shutdown problem in windows 10

    so i was just on task manager checking on things, and everything seems to be alright. cpu load 0-1% ram 9% and disk 0-1%. i then shut down my pc and then it was stuck. it was just trying to shutdown for about a minute or 2 now when it normally takes about 10 seconds to shutdown. i then had to...