Recent content by THEearthISFLAT

  1. T

    Question Zotac GTX 1080 AMP!! Crashing and Freezing !!!

    sounds like a dead GPU, if you have a warranty still, I would contact the manufacturer asap
  2. T

    Question Does ryzen still run faster with faster ram?

    it's not that the actual CPU will run faster, but it will perform more efficiently and provide better performance with faster RAM. RYZEN CPU's utilize what's called their infinity fabric which utilizes the RAM to operate, the faster memory allows better performance in games and benchmarks
  3. T

    Question GPU dilema

  4. T

    Question New Board and CPU but keyboard and mouse wont work

    anytime you upgrade to a new platform, (MB and CPU) you would want to perform a clean install of the OS. in this case win 10. not rercommened to just swap your storage drive from the old system and power up and then hope it works. what you want to do is download the win10 media creation tool...
  5. T

    Question Is my GPU broken? (a bend at the top corner)

    was the crack visible in the pictures from the ad you purchased it from?
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Which vega is better?

    nitro is the best one that ive had
  7. T

    Question Unusually low gtx 1080 temps?

    that's not a problem. are you having performance issues? my 1080 runs in the same temp range, the thing never gets hot, i believe you are fine, why would you want it hot anyways?
  8. T

    Question GTX 1050ti Not working! NEED HELP PLEASE!

    sorry bro that thing is FAKE as I assume you have already realized
  9. T

    [SOLVED] Games Crashing

    when you built the system did you perform a clean win 10 install with the new hardware?
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    Question GTX 1050ti Not working! NEED HELP PLEASE!

    ok where did you get it from and can you post a pic of the top side and the box
  11. T

    Question GTX 1050ti Not working! NEED HELP PLEASE!

    what 1050ti is that? brand model and where did you get it. pretty sure it is fake what did you pay?
  12. T

    Question gtx 1070 from ebay

    you can test it, if it works keep it, if it doesn't send it back you are buyer protected
  13. T

    Question Strange icons appear, flash, then PC shuts down

    artifacts like that usually mean a faulty card, you can try to confirm for sure if you're able to try it in another system. or by trying a different card in your system. if I had to guess though I believe that card is toast, i see an RMA in your near future.
  14. T

    Question Keep or sell brand new GTX 1080?

    That is good stuff. Nice score keep the 1080 it's still a great card