Recent content by thefuzzymoose

  1. T

    I don't Think I'm Getting my bang for my buck.

    Me and my dad are building a PC for the first time. We intended it to be a simple task but ended up finding it to be a bigger problem. What parts should we get, how can we save money, how can we get the best bang for our buck. I know this is a lot to ask, but can someone revise my system build...
  2. T

    Should I spring for the i5 7600k, or Stick to the I5 7600? That's my list. From what I've learned, the k in the 7600k means its overclockable. I'm also pretty sure my motherboard doesn't support overclocking. I don't know if the .2 extra GHz makes enough of a difference to warrant purchasing it...
  3. T

    Will My 7600 Bottleneck My GTX 1060 6GB?

    I’m new to PC and was wondering if a 7600 would bottleneck a GTX 1060
  4. T

    How Will My Setup Do In 2018?

    I’m building my first PC and was wondering if it looked good for this coming year and perhaps some things I could exchange to keep it 2018 friendly Here’s my component list:
  5. T

    Which Drivers do I need?

    Thanks so much for this! I really appreciate it
  6. T

    Which Drivers do I need?

    Is that all I’ll need to do driver wise?
  7. T

    Which Drivers do I need?

    I’m fairly new to PC building and keep hearing about drivers. I don’t know which ones To install based on my system. Here’s the link to my pc list if it helps! Thanks!