Recent content by thegloaming

  1. T

    Buying a CPU - amazon/ebay? new/refurbished? v1/v2?

    I am looking to buy a CPU in the US and have it brought down to India (way way way cheaper in the US), and have just come to know of someone who is coming down to my country from the US in the next few weeks and is willing to bring along 1 CPU. So I just have to order and ship it to him, but I...
  2. T

    Buying a Xeon?

    (Bumping this up to ask about the CPU, as the motherboard is sorted) I'm decided to go for a Xeon 26xx processor for this server that I am building. This would mostly be used for running some VMs (FreeNAS, home automation), software development, data analysis and such (thus, it helps me to...
  3. T

    What's a good case with enough bays to add new HDD's later?

    @dark_lord69, @geofelt, @JoeMomma, @raisonjohn - thanks all for the great suggestions! From all of these, I tend to lean towards the fractal R5 and the NZXT-H440 (for the many drive bays, as well as the looks!). Ordering either of them is an issue for me - I have a constraint of needing it...
  4. T

    What's a good case with enough bays to add new HDD's later?

    I'm building a server + FreeNAS with components as below, and need a case to store these in. My main needs are: 1. It should be an ATX or E-ATX case (as my motherboard is an ATX MB) 2. It should have a lot of HDD bays. Currently I foresee 2 SSDs + 4 HDDs (but this might rise to 6-8 HDDs soon)...
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    NAS + Server HDD/Storage setup

    I'm a newbie setting out to build a homelab server, which would also run FreeNAS in a VM. It would likely also run other VMs/apps (now or later) for software development, data analysis, home automation and IoT, email server, web server etc. I've been trying to figure out the optimum storage...
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    Crucial 32GB Mac RAM compatible with Supermicro X9SRL?

    I am looking to buy 32 GB RAM for a Supermicro X9SRL-F board. I can see this Crucial 32GB Mac RAM (link) - would anyone know if this is compatible with the above motherboard? Thanks!
  7. T

    Buying a Xeon?

    Thanks for all the info and thoughts. In the meantime I have been doing some more thinking, reading, and discussing, and that has caused me to pivot from my last approach (to what looks like the one I will go with). Instead of starting out with a separate physical FreeNAS, I want to set this up...