Recent content by TheSeaps

  1. T

    Will any of these two computers take an asus hd 6670

    It should fit fine in both.
  2. T

    First Time Builder Looking for Input

    [PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant]( Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor]( | $97.98 @ OutletPC...
  3. T

    First time build advice

    Depending on your resolution, I would say it should work fine.
  4. T

    Low To Medium Settings Gaming

    I would think so at low-medium settings.
  5. T

    Are these parts okay for a budget PC?

    What will this PC be used for and what is your absolute max budget?
  6. T

    Upgrading current graphics card question

    What CPU? What model is your PSU? The 560 ti really is an old card now.
  7. T

    Upgrade from HD 7950

    For under $200, there is either the R9 280 or GTX 760. The 280 is better.
  8. T

    What kind of games can i play on Intel (R) Q963/Q965 express chipset family.

    You have already said it yourself, "my pc is old AF." Too be honest, I would just do a whole system upgrade.
  9. T

    AMD Overdrive issues

    You can't just change the multiplier manually in the BIOS?
  10. T

    Choosing a Graphics card and Power supply

    I would not even think of putting any of those cards in your system without upgrading that power supply. That 7790 is really not in the same league as the other two cards.
  11. T

    r7 260x vs 7770

    260x is the better card.
  12. T

    600$ build christmas
  13. T

    Looking to upgrade from GTX 650

    This 780 is $300 with rebate.