Recent content by thinnawi67

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    Question Asus ROG Strix Rx580 8gb Gaming oc Random Screen flickers

    Strix, and I'm unsure if its under warranty ill ask
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    Question Asus ROG Strix Rx580 8gb Gaming oc Random Screen flickers

    i don't know if i can, have you any other ideas?
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    Question Asus ROG Strix Rx580 8gb Gaming oc Random Screen flickers

    PC Build/Specs I recently bought the Strix RX580 (slightly used from a friend) and after a couple of weeks it started flickering, but not while in game only in the when on spotify or desktop screen, sometimes it flickers green other times it just flickers...
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    Question Laptop HDD in a Desktop

    Kinda figured Thanks
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    Question Laptop HDD in a Desktop

    Well the laptop is gutted basically. I'll try the enclosure and if all else fails then it's whatever. Thank you
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    Question Laptop HDD in a Desktop

    Hello, So i recently scavenged my old laptops HDD and put it in my desktop. The HDD already has windows on it and I already have a Sandisk 240 SSD in it running my OS. The problem is when both are plugged in the PC doesn't boot to the OS it just stalls. The reason i scavenged the old HDD...
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    [SOLVED] Brand new Pc recently crashed

    So earlier this week I noticed my Pc was a little louder than usual and today it crashed. I'm just a little worried because i've spent over $1000 on this Pc - My part list Sidenote: I felt my GPU and its a little hotter than usual and i'm not even running...