Recent content by thranimal

  1. T

    Gaming build, $1000-$1200 budget

    Thank you! and it looks like the mobo + GPU will fit in just about any case
  2. T

    Gaming build, $1000-$1200 budget

    IPS monitor, but if it's a choice between an IPS monitor or a better rig and a TN then i'd go with the TN
  3. T

    Gaming build, $1000-$1200 budget

    oh sorry for the confusion, the monitor would be included in the budget. going over $1200 is 'okay' but i'd prefer to stay under
  4. T

    Gaming build, $1000-$1200 budget

    Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking to build a gaming rig with a $1200 budget, I've attempted my own builds in the past but I always feel like I never get the most bang for my buck no matter how much research I do. I already have an OS and a suggestion for a good monitor ~22"-24" would be...