Recent content by ToastyBunz

  1. T

    Ethereum Mining Performance: GeForce Vs. Radeon (Archive)

    Too bad with China stopping cryptocurrencies and others to follow suit, as well as governments looking for a way to tax them its going to be a rough stretch for miners coming real soon.
  2. T

    A Look At The First DLC For 'Destiny 2'

    When they start talking DLC right after launch I start talking about 50% off sales on steam and waiting for the game.
  3. T

    When will the GTX 1070 FTW be available on amazon?

    Its not Amazon, but Newegg has them in stock.
  4. T

    Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3.60 GHz hitting 85 Degrees whilst rendering!

    Save some funds and buy a cheap aftermarket cooler. Stock coolers are horrible, so you should spend the money before you melt the chip and are out even more money.
  5. T

    Reference GTX 1070, High temps!!!

    When you run Battlefield if the fan doesn't already ramp up to 100% and sound like a fighter jet get Precision X16 or MSI Afterburner, don't play with the OC setting but at least set a more aggressive fan curve and see if that helps some.
  6. T

    Reference GTX 1070, High temps!!!

    Whats your fan curve look like?
  7. T

    Gtx 960 won't fit properly in 1920 x 1080

    Run 1920x1080 and adjust icon size?
  8. T

    Upgraded to a GTX 970, graphichs has become worse

    40-60 Fps in High beats 150-250 in ultra low.
  9. T

    i7 4790k running in 4.32Ghz idle is normal?

    Theres a difference between cpu speed and cpu usage, it will ramp it self up with the turbo boost if it has the power and temp room to do so, so id say its fine.
  10. T

    how to cool 290x in crossfire?

    Case is totally your preference just make sure it has a spot to seat a minimum 240mm radiator. Then you need 2 290x waterblocks, tubing, fittings, a pump, and a reservoir. Heres a site that has all that stuff, take a look.
  11. T

    Nvidia Gtx 970

    It doesn't come factory overclocked, possibly a weaker binned chip cause its not a higher model and it will run hotter cause the ref cooler is only 1 small fan.
  12. T

    how to cool 290x in crossfire?

    You've got a lot of power packed in a Mid tower, if you could (ie. money wise and space wise) grab a nice full tower and you could put more fans for more air or it would depending on the model have a bit of room for a water loop for the GPU's and CPU if you wanted. Also what are your ambient...
  13. T

    Best R9 270X

  14. T

    gtx 980 vs r9 295x2

    980 or fail at life.