Recent content by Toddair Airbrushing

  1. T

    SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC r9 290 low fps on BF3, Far Cry 3, Team Fortress 2 ETC.?

    update: prior solution did not work, still same issue with loss of fps down too sometimes 1 fps. 2 days later I found that the motherboard (asus maximus extreme-z p68) was the problem. power surges from usb ports were going off. Had a newer mobo sitting around (Asrock Z77) so installed that...
  2. T

    SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC r9 290 low fps on BF3, Far Cry 3, Team Fortress 2 ETC.?

    I also have this very same problem. My build is I7 2600k/Asus maximus iv-z extreme/850watt psu/8gb dominator ram 1600mhz/2tb seagate baracuda hd/I7 is water cooled. I play ESO(Elder Scrolls Online). First log in 99fps, but as time goes on (10min) my fps starts dropping too sofar 20! I then...
  3. T

    r9 290 not performing as expected; HELP REQUIRED.

    Ok....I have had same exact problems.... log on Elder Scrolls online.....first 5 min 99 fps, np, but as the minutes increase, fps decreases....down too 15 fps. Really was upsetting me really bad. Till month later my son and I were trying to trouble shoot it. I had up and running AMD Catalyst...