Recent content by Tolstoy1990

  1. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    So I decided to keep the PC I have now and use it for a homelab experiment or something like that. I will actually have a little extra to throw at this new build than I thought I would. So here's the part list I I put together based on the recommendations above. If there are any suggestions to...
  2. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    I just want to take the time to thank everyone for their time and answering my questions... 9 years ago when I built the Pc I have now, I came to the forums here for answers and you all so generously helped me out with that build also. And I know I'll probably have 100 more as go through...
  3. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    can the 980 ti still run most games at 1080p high settings? (like non AAA titles} and will it be able to run most ue5 features smoothly also? at least at a level good enough for learning the software?
  4. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    good thinking, I do like this option as it will save me the most money... I don't need anything crazy powerful right now I just want to be able to run Ue5 smoothly.
  5. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    thank you all so much. I really appreciate all your help.
  6. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    Right now its just for learning how to use the program because I'm brand new to it... at some point I would like to use it for working but right now just gaming and learning the new software. I don't have a headset yet so I'm not sure the limitations I will have once I do get a headset... and...
  7. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    That's a great idea actually thank you... any suggestions then on what I can do with the PC I have now?... It still runs really well for what it is... it was worth about 1200 when I built it 9 years ago... maybe I could sell it for 150-200? or can I convert it to something else?
  8. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    the ram is 2133 MHz I think. it has a full size ATX case but its pretty beat up, id like to get something with a smaller form factor
  9. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    Thanks for replying... I was concerned I might have to put together a whole new build... but it makes sense... can I get away with a budget of 600-800 or is that unrealistic for what I'm trying to do?
  10. Tolstoy1990

    Question Can I just upgrade my graphics card or should I be upgrading my processor as well for UE5?

    I have a video editing pc that is about 9 years old now that I would like to upgrade to be able to learn unreal engine and to play vr games. I'm new to unreal so Id like to have the right setup to be able to run all parts of the program smoothly so I can just test out all the different features...