Recent content by tom09167

  1. T

    My computer does not turn on and I can not understand the reason.

    Hello everyone and thank you for your support! I solved the issue, even if the cause of the problem is still a mystery for me. I bought a new PSU as I wrote, but the motherboard looked dead. I took everything out and started checking everything with just few components as recommended by...
  2. T

    My computer does not turn on and I can not understand the reason.

    I built my first computer two weeks ago. Everything was working just fine. Yesterday morning I turned it on and was working without a problem, when I finished I shut down the system. Everything absolutely normal. This morning when I arrived at home I tried to turn it on but I had no success. I...
  3. T

    No display signal: it's because I did not connect my monitor (VGA) to the gpu or because I damaged something?

    Yes, it was just a cable issue. Everything worked fine after that.
  4. T

    No display signal: it's because I did not connect my monitor (VGA) to the gpu or because I damaged something?

    Good Afternoon, I am writing for the first time and I am not an expert regarding computers. Yesterday I built my first pc. Cpu: Ryzen 1600x Motherboard: MSI B350 Gaming pro GPU: MSI Armor RX580 PSU: EVGA 500w. My monitor has a VGA connector, while my GPU uses HDMI and DVI. When I finished to...