Recent content by ToxsickshauN

  1. T

    Windows 10, on boot it init Keyboard + Mouse and delay is approx 3s, Looking to improve boot-time

    Hi all, I have been a system builder for many years and I cannot overcome something that appears to be new to me. for windows 10 at least! with all W10 based systems I build for clients and myself.. AMD & Intel I notice that as soon as the system passes POST/BIOS and goes to load windows Both...
  2. T

    Core i7 4820K Multiplier for Turbo Boost, What is considered to be safe everyday O.C.?

    Hi guys, I finally got my 4820K in the mail today upgrade from an 3820, I wanted it because I was unsuccessful O.C. BCLK I was lucky.. I brought it from AMAZON and only ended up paying $339 AU $ Considering I sold my 3820 on ebay for 280, not a bad deal. Sys Configuration: MSI X79A-GD45 8D...