Recent content by TripleABanana

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    AMD 8350 (OC) EVGA GTX 1070 -- GTA V/Battlefield 4

    Hey guys, I recently upgraded to a GTX 1070 and for the most part Ive been able to play games like Doom and Bioshock Infinite on Ultra settings, but in games like BF4 and especially GTA V, I get sudden FPS drops. I mean, its a 1070, Im not saying its supposed to run ALL games at nothing less...
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    NZXT 650w HALE82 & EVGA GTX 760 4gb

    Hey guys, to get to the nitty gritty, I bought a new Graphics Card recently (GTX 760 4gb) and I feel as if Im not getting the best performance out of it. On my old PSU (which was a 430w Corsair) and my old GPU (GTX 660 2gb) I would get about 180-200~ frames; and with my new GPU and new-ish PSU...