Recent content by trivinator1

  1. T

    a8 7670k + RX 460

    Thanks all think il order a rx 460 is there any brand that is slightly better or anything than the other or are there any brands to avoid?
  2. T

    a8 7670k + RX 460

    I understand this would disable the apu graphics but would the apu cause a severe bottle neck to the rx460 graphics card performance? As I am after increased graphics performance for gaming so don't mind disabled the apu graphics to gain better performance
  3. T

    a8 7670k + RX 460

  4. T

    a8 7670k + RX 460

    hi i have a a8 7670k cpu a gigabyte f2a78m hd2 mobo hyper x 1837 2 x 4gb ram i would like to know if i add a RX 460 would my system severely bottle neck it ? would i be better of getting a 860k cpu and a cooler and oc it or is this the same as my a8 with the graphics turned off thanks.