Recent content by tsomek

  1. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    No need to worry - it's mine, we're tiny, just a two-man band - so, I'm the "IT department" :grimacing: Also, just a thing I wanted to mention, in case it's relevant / ignore if it isn't. I'm connected via a 1Gb LAN to our two other computers and only my connection seems to be underperforming...
  2. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Hi @ubuysa Thank you so much for taking the time to putting this together for me - really very much appreciated! Just to let you know that this might take me a little time, as this is my work computer, so I will need to get into the office over the weekend to get all this done - so please...
  3. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Hi again Sure - just did - Please see link below Many thanks for having another look!
  4. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Oh ok. These are all old entries - it's an old win10 installation - I actually have everything legit now. I understand if this doesn't change anything for you. Either way, many thanks for your support until now.
  5. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    sorry - didn't notice it was restriced. all done
  6. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Thanks @EggShell and @ubuysa - I hear you. Should I undo this? Seems like a coincidence that it has stopped crashing, however I do feel there's a slowing down of things. Please see link below with Sysnative zip...
  7. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Hi there Quick update on my side. While ckecking the Event Viewer, one of the few errors I could see was "DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error" I followed the instructions on the below video, and haven't had any crashes since! View:
  8. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    ok fair enough - I'll do a fresh install and take it from there Will report back - many thanks for now!
  9. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Thanks for the input (y) - Rather sure temps are fine - around 40-50+ - My cpufan is a "be quiet! Dark Rock Pro TR4" - I did do the sfc/ scannow - forgot to mention that. No integrity violations. - In terms of reinstall - of course I can, but I would love to avoid it - this is my work PC...
  10. tsomek

    Question Windows 10 is freezing and crashing - - - - DistributedCOM Event ID 10016 error ?

    Hi I've had my computer (the Threadripper as per signature below) in the same configuration for years now - and surprisingly it has started crashing since coming back from my summer holidays a couple of days ago. In particular, I've noticed it happens when I run autoCAD or Brave browser -...
  11. tsomek

    Question windows 10 hard disk pool (Raid 1) - one disk failed - the other ask for format?

    Ok, thanks for that - I'll keep that in mind for my next setup! In the meantime, do you maybe have advice on how to recuperate the data? Many thanks!
  12. tsomek

    Question windows 10 hard disk pool (Raid 1) - one disk failed - the other ask for format?

    Hi I have two identical WDC hard drives (red 4TB), both mounted on the same USB docking station. On win10 I had created a storage pool, Riad 1, so that they have identical info. One failed (although it was basically new!) and won't be recognised anymore. The other one is recognised, but is...
  13. tsomek

    Question hard disk suddenly uninitialised and unallocated - please help

    Oh wow. Thanks, appreciate the directness.. Thankfully I just realised I did have a 6 day old backup of the disk.. Either way, thank you for recommending the recovery company
  14. tsomek

    Question hard disk suddenly uninitialised and unallocated - please help

    Hi there my main backup Hard Disk 4TB WDC suddenly disappeared After trying out different methods of connecting (to ensure it's not a cable fault or USB mount), I've now connected it to my main computer directly to the MB, and it appears as uninitiated and unallocated I've ran...
  15. tsomek

    Question Slow LAN on one of my computers ?

    Hi again I haven't progressed far for this, unfortunately. The ubuntu live USB didn't render any results as I couldn't get access to the windows shares.. I still don't quite understand why. In addition, my Bluetooth connection has started getting 2-3 second timeouts... so at the moment I'm...