Recent content by UserTom

  1. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Settings on a new PC Build

    Your build is quite recent and shouldn't require that much updates, atleast drivers shouldn't be seperated years apart Then if you wanna do some light overclocking with MSI afterburner but idk if its necessary in your case or even at all nowadays I use HWMonitor to monitor my CPU/GPU...
  2. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Best budget gaming PC under 1050$ USD

    Okay I'll keep that in mind if he wants to upgrade in the future. Benchmarks look like what he needs for now and I'm confident he'll prefer that over prebuilt , I'll also propose a bigger M2 drive, I love those, pops right in and goodnight no cords. Thank you for the build and your time.
  3. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    Thank you for all the answers you've given me. With that information I'll most likely be able to fix the ''problem'' once I decide to run the pump on the motherboard instead of a SATA cable. Hopefully I find out if the pump just doesn't want to work with this header and works with another one...
  4. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Settings on a new PC Build

    Activate the XMP profile, if they are the same just pick the first one Monitor your temp, check if all fans are running either DC or PWM, I usually enable smart fans too Update your motherboard drivers, windows, graphic card and any other drivers that shows you have to update Create partitions...
  5. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Best budget gaming PC under 1050$ USD

    The i5 11400f looks like a solid CPU for the price. I'll keep these saved and propose it to my friend. Should someone disable the iGPU on a CPU like the i5 11400 or it doesn't affect performance/heat ? You didn't include a M.2, is it because you don't think it's worth it or because it would...
  6. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Best budget gaming PC under 1050$ USD

    Hi, A friend I know wants to buy a prebuilt PC because he doesn't know anything about PC components. I'm trying to reach out for any one that can come out with the ''best'' custom build gaming PC that will be under 1050$ USD. That is the price the person is willing to pay for the pre-build but...
  7. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    So i'm guessing it's better to leave it at 100% to get more years out of it? Are you saying this as in: If the pump dies of usage then it'll fry up my CPU? And then, judging by your answer, it's better to leave it at 100% and plugging it into PSU should run it in DC at 100% which will help...
  8. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    On another note, I've seen comments where people say to keep the pump at 100% and set the radiator fan dictate their RPM based on CPU temps (in CPU_FAN in the mobo) If that is correct, I personally don't mind having the pump into a sata in the PSU (If it is a problem then I will address it)
  9. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    It is running extremely quiet, sometimes I am afraid all my fans are disconnected, I have to stick my head in to hear something, so if the pump is at 100% it is inaudible
  10. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    Yes, I also tried that while I was still plugged into that SYS_FAN3_PUMP but having that hot CPU made it lag and hard to boot and sometimes failed to boot and it would bring me back to the bios with the failed to use said settings, load a default setting?
  11. UserTom

    [SOLVED] i7 11700k AIO fan placement

    So far how I placed the orientation, I get CPU temps of around 25-29c idle and 40-50c under load and GPU temps of 25-29c idle and 56c under load I guess for now I'll keep it that way since im not getting high temps, I do plan to add 2 more intakes since my case has 2 bottom 120mm mounting fans...
  12. UserTom

    [SOLVED] Computer drivers

    I did that and after installing all I could see, I did a general scan for updates and everything seemed updated Thank you, I will be doing that in the future
  13. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    I think it does, i think it is SYS_FAN3_PUMP, that would be it i think and it was plugged there when it wasn't working. I'd have to rehook all my cables to what you mention to see if it would work, I wonder what the difference between CPU_Opt and CPU_Fans are if they are doing the same job
  14. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    Since it wouldn't work or atleast work consistently, I plugged the AIO pump in a sata cable straight into PSU and right now my CPU temperature in the bios are stable at 32c. But now I cannot control the speed of the pump or see if it works. It seems to be working because of my temps but idk if...
  15. UserTom

    [SOLVED] I7 11700k idle temp really high

    Okay I looked again and it says in bios that my sys pump fan is not plugged But it is in the motherboard