If the network icon on the task-bar says "you are connected to the network", it doesn't mean at the same time that you're connected to the internet as well. How does your router give IPs to the devices connected to it? Statically or dynamically using a DHCP server? Have you tried to connect to...
As i7Baby already asked, what is the error code you get? Have you installed any new hardware lately, like GPU or RAM? It could be some faulty device driver... go to your BIOS settings and choose "load optimized defaults", just in case.
I don't really need "new features" on my Win7. I will be just fine with it until 2020, or until MS releases a worth-buying OS that delivers the same -or more- control as Win7 currently does!
Power users and most gamers will stay with Win7. Those numbers don't lie:
Desktop OS Market Share...
Where's Atari ST??? It was used by many music studios due to the fact that it had built in MIDI support! It was the biggest competitor of Commodore Amiga, as well as the first 8086/8088 (even 80286) based PCs. Cmon, fix that Slideshow!