Recent content by Valter Lewis

  1. V

    Question Hardware initialization failed ?

    An old computer that's been left unused for more than ten years. Bios does not be installed it says he is working good i think but he doesn't start
  2. V

    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    i have alreay done it and the intel support said i had already all up to date to so case closed
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    so why cant i update them with intel driver support assistence?
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates its here a notepad i think im going to take a screenshot
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    but live update installed 3 programs intel chip drivers realtek drivers intel software guard extensions
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    its the same but you said intel rapid storage tecnolagy was installed but it doenst appear to me
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    but the driver Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) User Interface and Driver is giving me an error print(
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates its here the print and yes im talking with the intel support and they say thats unusual So im using the list of things that my pc deleted to download the drivers the same version it was
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    Question Gta 5 low fps

    im trying to find the solution till today because its only with that game
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    the thing i dont want to update manually is that im very noob with computers
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates its were the image with the specs
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    [SOLVED] Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cant find supported driver or software updates

    and yes a already saw that i have to update my drivers