Recent content by vangvace

  1. vangvace

    Apple's January 27 Event is "Major Product Announcement"

    $1000 is reasonable... for an Apple product.
  2. vangvace

    Patch for 32-bit Vista to recognize 4 gb of ram?

    No the patch... called SP1 is a display change only. A 64 bit OS is still required to use all 4 gigs of ram
  3. vangvace

    32 bit and 64 bit Vista??

  4. vangvace

    22" monitor poll

    Westinghouse l2210nw $250 bestbuy 2ms g2g and 3000:1 contrast
  5. vangvace

    Will Vista recognize old data on hard drives?

    Yup. When I just built my new machine last month I took my data drive out of the old machine and plugged it into my new one. Transfered files to the new computers hard drives and removed the old drive.
  6. vangvace

    Save XP!

  7. vangvace

    Thermal Paste Life... on chip

    Thanks fellas
  8. vangvace

    Thermal Paste Life... on chip

    I'm getting ready to clean and reformat an old computer I have. I haven't removed the heatsink since I installed it in '99. Should I remove the heatsink and apply new paste while I do my spring cleaning?
  9. vangvace

    Creative fscks with customers again!

    *cough* omega *cough* drivers *cough* ati *cough* sorry must have had something in my throat.
  10. vangvace

    New Vista 64 Install will not boot...Need HELP

    you would need to modify the bootloader I believe. This link should get you started in the right direction...
  11. vangvace

    Do you Hate Ipods/Apple/Macs?

  12. vangvace

    Vista Ultimate backup vs raid 1 and which controller

    All, thanks again for the info all. For now I'm using Vista Ultimate's backup utility to back up my data drive to another drive. Also I'm planning on monthly DVD burns. Is there an option in some back-up programs to just move to disk files modified since last burn? (Sorry I know it's prob a...
  13. vangvace

    Vista Slow........ Advise

    yup slow for bit while Vista learns and indexes. How long until it picks up depends on how much data is on the hard drive and how long the system is on for. You should see a difference if you benchmark now and then again in a couple weeks