Recent content by Venom142

  1. Venom142

    Question Is 14600KF also has instability issues?

    Actually I already have that processor at the moment
  2. Venom142

    Question Is 14600KF also has instability issues?

    Hi, Just a quick question. I have read that intel higher gen cpus are quite unstable, especially 14700K and 14900K. I also have read that they might get degraded due to higher voltage operations. I want to know Is this issue limited to i7 and i9 or higher generations of i5 also have this issue?
  3. Venom142

    Question Msi Ventus RTX 3080 high temperatures

    also if you can tell me the maximum temperature limit for this specific 3080 model then it will be a lot helpful for me. by the way thanks for your answer
  4. Venom142

    Question Msi Ventus RTX 3080 high temperatures

    I am mostly using it for 3D Rendering where under 98 percent utilization it remains aboy 73-77 degrees at base and 95-97 degree hotspot, memory remains under 90-87 deegrees with a tdp of 250Walt. Is it fine?
  5. Venom142

    Question Msi Ventus RTX 3080 high temperatures

    Hi! I have an MSI Ventus rtx 3080. I am a little concerned about its temperatures. I was running a furmark test on the gpu and following are the results. All the settings in geforce experience and msi afterburner are default. Are these temperatures fine or concerning. Gpu Temperatues. 80...