Recent content by vfdolozo

  1. V

    [SOLVED] Gaming router?

    My current setup is connected via ethernet to the router that came with the service installation. The download and upload speeds are very good, however my issue is latency. Average gaming ping is in the high 200s.I just want a router that can take advantage of the speeds while reducing latency...
  2. V

    Budget, mid level or high end build?

    I’m currently in my second year of college studying pre-med. All my life I have played console. From the N64 to the PS4. For a couple of years now, I have wanted to make the transition to PC master race for the obvious reasons. Higher quality gaming, cheaper game titles, and more functionality...
  3. V

    non rgb ram??

    So im making a custom modded pc. i personally dont like rgb. i was looking for fast ddr4 ram that isnt rgb so i can remove the covers and paint it. my current choice is the vengance lpx. do you guys have other options?
  4. V

    3.7ghz vs 3.2 ghz??

    So I went to Best Buy the other day and I saw two different Intel i7 8700ks. One was 3.7ghz for 400 and one 3.2 ghz for 300. Now I now one is faster than the other one, couldn’t you just over clock the 3.2ghz? I don’t understand aside from that any differences between the two aside from the 100...
  5. V

    Zotac extreme sli???

    So In my pc build I have a Zotac Amp Extreme 1080ti. Now i am simply just asking out of curiosity, but becaue it is a big card, is it possible to sli the card???