Recent content by Vinn_Spiffin

  1. V

    ryzen 5 1600 vs intel i5 7600k for streaming recording and editing?

    basically what the title says i can get either my budget is like 400$ which i can do both also whats the best matx board for either. thank you very much.
  2. V

    Xfx or msi armor

    I am undecided about these two cards they are both very similar with a handful of differences my question is about customer support, overclocking, and cooling/fan noise Links: Xfx: Msi...
  3. V

    Power supply PLEASE HELP

    So a friend of mine is on a budget of 300 dollars. He has an old gaming computer with ddr2 so obviously he needs an upgrade to motherboard ram and gpu. The thing im not sure about is the power supply. This is the build. Id like to know if his current psu wil...
  4. V

    r9 390 or rx 480

  5. V

    r9 390 or rx 480

  6. V

    r9 390 or rx 480

  7. V

    r9 390 or rx 480

    I can get an r9 390 8gb for 170 or I can get a RX 480 8gb for 230ish which would be the better bang for my buck
  8. V

    Too many options!!?

    So amd ryzen looks really cool but idk how much it will cost and im in a price range of like an i5 6500. So with this i have three options which i need help choosing with wait to see if ryzen has a i5 equivalent priced version, get the 6500, or get the new kaby lake 7500. Please help me decide...
  9. V

    Bought rx 480 from china

    I bought the rx 480 for 125$ cause i was on a budget and really wantwd one and it was in amazons market place as a indivual seller. I just want to know if im safe i mean it was through amazon so i think I'm good but I'm hoping its the right thing its already been about a month since i ordered...