Recent content by Vizions

  1. V

    Need recommendations and advice for gaming computer build - 1400 CAD budget

    So far, im thinking of just taking the build offered by smrizio, and adding a 970 in there.
  2. V

    Need recommendations and advice for gaming computer build - 1400 CAD budget

    The main reason I am looking at the 970 is because I'd like to have the option to play these newer games later on with decent quality, its just the games i play mostly are the ones i put in the original post in order of most played to least.
  3. V

    Need recommendations and advice for gaming computer build - 1400 CAD budget

    I am currently planning on building a computer for gaming purposes. I plan on playing World of Warcraft, League of Legends, BF4 and Farcry. Idealy i'd like to play the first 2 on maximum settings with 60+ Fps at all times, and the 2 latter with the best i can get from a budget of 1300-1400...
  4. V

    is this a good build for 1500

  5. V

    is this a good build for 1500

    PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: Benchmarks: CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($324.98 @ SuperBiiz) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master...
  6. V

    is this a good build for 1500

    sorry im not that tech savvy what about 290 vs 290x is it worth the price difference?
  7. V

    is this a good build for 1500

    is the Asus Radeon R9 290 better than the 780? and what about the 290 vs 290x
  8. V

    is this a good build for 1500

    btw this system will be used for gaming and video editing
  9. V

    is this a good build for 1500

    cant really type because laptop keyboard got water damaged but please let me know. \ \ \ Price:1498 Gaming Chasis: CYBERPOWERPC Zeus Mini mITX Gaming Chassis w/ USB 3.0 [4.4in(W) x 13in(H) x 17.4in(D)] (Black Color w/ Red Light) Laser Engraving: None CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4770K 3.50 GHz 8MB...
  10. V

    Building $1500 gaming rid, are these parts okay?

    i was wondering, what do you guys think about Sapphire Radeon TOXIC R9 280X VS Gigabyte GTX 770 GDDR5-4GB
  11. V

    Building $1500 gaming rid, are these parts okay?

    This is my first attempt at building a computer so i wanted to know if these parts would work well together. Parts: CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K Quad-Core Video Card: Gigabyte GTX 770 GDDR5-4GB Ram: Corsair Vengeance 16GB Motherboard:Asus Z87 PRO LGA 1150 SDD: Samsung Electronics 840...