Recent content by wasted854091

  1. wasted854091

    Question Will an i9 9900 bottleneck a 3070 Ti?

    Sounds interesting. How would one enable that? If you don't mind breaking it down midly for me lol
  2. wasted854091

    Question Will an i9 9900 bottleneck a 3070 Ti?

    Will an i9 9900 (non K or KF) bottleneck a 3070 Ti? The i9 9900 is the max supported i9 for my motherboard (TUF B365M Plus Gaming) and I want the BEST possible. The i9 9900K isn't supported according to my MOBO support page. But I'm just going off of that. So will this CPU bottleneck my GPU? I...
  3. wasted854091

    Question My PC won't display through DisplayPort first while HDMI is plugged in!

    OK so I disconnected the HMDI now and it doesnt automatically turn on my monitor anymore whenever I boot up, I still have to reconnect the DP cable. This never happened before until I started using the HDMI. Is there a fix for this new problem?
  4. wasted854091

    Question My PC won't display through DisplayPort first while HDMI is plugged in!

    Okay I might not have posted this in the right section but I'm new here (lol). Okay so my first question is why does my PC automatically use my HDMI output (TV) instead of my DisplayPort when I first boot it up? My TV is always off and my monitor auto-wakes up when I turn on my PC but it still...
  5. wasted854091

    [SOLVED] Will my LGA 1151 TUF B365M support i9 9900K?

    I'm running the TUF Gaming B365M Plus Gaming-WiFi LGA 1151 MOBO and I see the i9 9900 listed in compatibility lists but not the "K" version of the same CPU. I want to upgrade from my i5 9400f but I want to get the best possible CPU for my board. So I'm wondering if I can get a "K" version CPU...