Recent content by Wheatthinswag

  1. W

    Router Status Page

    All I want to know if I bought a Cat6 cable would I get that 200 mbps
  2. W

    Router Status Page

    My router is a 1 gigabit so your saying that the minimum speed is 200 mbps or that its the max
  3. W

    Router Status Page

    When I left click my wireless connection and click "Status" it shows my mbps coming in from my router to be 200 mbps. Am I really getting these speeds and if I was to connect an Ethernet cable that could support gigabit into my router would I get 200 mbps like the "Status" page says I'm getting...
  4. W

    How would I know what internet speed I'm getting from my ISP?

    No, runs in Mbps; also, while downloading games I get 3.5 MBs which is 30 Mbps.
  5. W

    How would I know what internet speed I'm getting from my ISP?

    No, the speed I'm getting from my ISP
  6. W

    How would I know what internet speed I'm getting from my ISP?

    I went to my internet connection in Windows and clicked status and it said it's 216 Mbps
  7. W

    How would I know what internet speed I'm getting from my ISP?

    What router config page? My modem speed is 1 Gigabit and my router is 1900 Mbps
  8. W

    How would I know what internet speed I'm getting from my ISP?

    My internet coming into my computer is relatively slow (I download a lot of games); I get about 30 down using my Cat6a cable, it doesn't have the speed of the cable printed on it. I want to improve my internet speed but I don't know if 30 Mbps is the speed I'm getting from Comcast or if it's...
  9. W

    EVGA or RaidMax

    I found these 2 PSU's EVGA RaidMax The EVGA is 600 Watt but more reliable while the RaidMax is 735 and Semi but less reliable.. I plan to get a R9 380 4GB and I need to know which one is the best buy PC Build:
  10. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    Ok, I'll look into it Also, just to add *I said I had a $500 budget as my reply to the first person to reply
  11. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    Ultra settings and it out performs console? It gets 60 @ Medium. Not only that but it doesn't fit my build's budget: And there's nothing that I can cut out of it (Inb4 comment on SSD:
  12. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    Stop with the 960/970; A good card doesn't have to start with 9 (Your proposing $200 GPU with a $100 CPU)
  13. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    Please do research before you comment something stupid like that
  14. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    Budget is $500 and I have used none because I don't want to regret my choice of parts.
  15. W

    Best Gaming Processor and Video Card for Gaming @ 1080p 60 FPS?

    970 is overkill and I know that; a 750 ti would be more suited but I want to know what you guys thought...