Recent content by whitewingjek

  1. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Thank you, I have just bought a replacement video card. I got the EVGA GTX 560 for only $130 with rebate, so I consider that a good deal considering that it had better benchmark results then my old EVGA GTX 285. Thank you all for your input.
  2. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Well I just confirmed that it was in fact my graphics card that is failing, now to decide what to get...
  3. W

    Is it my PSU or Graphics Card

    I inserted another graphics card and my PC worked without a hitch.
  4. W

    Is it my PSU or Graphics Card

    Best answer selected by whitewingjek.
  5. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Wow jtenorj, thank you for this extensive answer. I appreciate that you accounted for the possibility of a failing PSU and/or my GPU. I will probably end up testing my PSU and swapping my video card out into other systems to test it out. While your right that I should probably swap out both my...
  6. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Thanks guys for all the advice, but at this point I'm starting to think that it isn't even my graphics card that's failing. I opened another thread about it here: .
  7. W

    Is it my PSU or Graphics Card

    Would inserting a very basic gpu tell me what the problem is?
  8. W

    Is it my PSU or Graphics Card

    Ok, new symptoms. Now my computer starts, but with no display. I waited around to see if windows would start and maybe I could hear the startup noise. Didn't hear it. Also I have a sd card reader in the front of my chassis; usually when my computer boots theres a red light signalling it is on...
  9. W

    Is it my PSU or Graphics Card

    Ok so just yesterday I thought (and used to think) that my Graphics Card is starting to die. Evertime I run a game it loads fine, but then after a minute or two I start seeing wierd large dots of all colors and lines and just alot of messed up stuff. So I rolled back my drivers, did a 3D Mark...
  10. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Do you personally have this card? I am asking because I have heard some bad reviews about SOME ( not all ) ati cards. I'd like to ask someone who is currently using the card.
  11. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Let me ask this a different way. My GTX 285 can play battlefield 3 at med settings pretty nicely (just an example). What card at a good price would match or surpass a result like that? Would the 560 be able to match or surpass that, 560ti?
  12. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    I am on a buget here, im looking to spend no more than $180 dollars, so theres one reason I can't go with the GTX 6xx series. As for the ATI Graphics cards, like I said, id rather not go that route.
  13. W

    Which Video Card Would You Go With?

    Im deciding between a few video cards at the moment (my GTX 285 is on the verge of death) and I was selecting a few that I liked at Newegg. Here are the ones I like, which one is the best for the price. Any suggestions for a better one other than ATI. Also is the 2GB worth it if the only...