Recent content by Wile E Coyote

  1. Wile E Coyote

    How To disable Windows Defender In Windows 10

    I have come up with the fact that Windows defender [not great]!!! You can say what ever you want but every one has there own opinion. It eats far to many cpu cycles,And it all so degrades the performance of windows 10 while it will continually run in the back round as MSMPENG or Anti-malware...
  2. Wile E Coyote

    Windows updates for Windows Xp,7,Vista,8,8.1

    Ok here is the deal. Windows has be come more and more demanding with Windows updates lately.Especially with Windows 10 And it's ad's and bugs. Here is a list of things to get windows updates off line.You can store all the updates and a copy of windows install on a flash drive i would...
  3. Wile E Coyote

    Random BSOD DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL ntoskrnl.exe+6f400

    Are you talking about the SFC /scannow command is that the one you ran.
  4. Wile E Coyote

    windows 7 x64 worse performance than x86

    I believe the main question when choosing between 32 and 64 bits is not "Does my processor support 64 bits — if so then I should use 64 because that's twice as good", but "How much memory do I have?". 64-bit programs use about 50% more memory then their 32-bit counterparts. The results of this...
  5. Wile E Coyote

    No Idea What Is Wrong With Computer

    Here is a list of information that might help you.
  6. Wile E Coyote

    Plugin container.exe firefox New Fix.

    To day i have figured out a way to disable firefox's plugin container.exe. Here is the deal The old way still works. But some where in firefox 4.0 they have added an option to flash player called protection mode.I found it on a link some where in Adobe site. Here is is the deal if you...
  7. Wile E Coyote

    ISBoxer Suite and Inner Space questions

    I need help with a setup to use multiboxing in some games. I have a lot of friends that stopped playing for a while but i need to multibox for some missions. Now i have every thing setup for SWTOR and this is the hardest to setup for be cause the game does not like multi instances. But it is...
  8. Wile E Coyote

    Neep Help ASAP on a HP laptop

    Well guy's i finally got the laptop to do a recovery.And my bad on the drive type.But any way This is how i fixed the problem. I went and bought a My passport ultra 1 tera byte and then i bought a new 1 tera byte HD for the laptop.Be cause the HD seems none fixable.I have over 19 years at...
  9. Wile E Coyote

    Neep Help ASAP on a HP laptop

    No go on that idea
  10. Wile E Coyote

    Neep Help ASAP on a HP laptop

    Can this boot up on to a disk or usb
  11. Wile E Coyote

    Neep Help ASAP on a HP laptop

    Ok here is my issue that i ran into. I was starting to play a online game called Tera online.And the next day i go to play it,It completely crashed my HDD windows would not even start up even with the recovery system. Here is my laptop...