Recent content by wnysupport

  1. W

    5850 not working with MSI AFTERBURNER

    Believe the file is Read Only, so right click > Properties and uncheck Read Only. Then edit the file. Note with Afterburner that unless you store your OC as a profile and set it to "Overclock on startup" - you will manually need to do it every time (which is what I do anyway) Or it could be a...
  2. W

    Voltage Tuning 5000 Series ATI GPUs

    If it's the stock version of the 5800 series, then yes you can. The easiest way is if you have a MSI brand - so you don't have to flash the card, but it can be done with others. Quickly google search for overclock 5850...I believe the safest voltage (at least on the 5850) is 1.25. I have ran...
  3. W

    RAM-frequency problem

  4. W

    New System Ordered - Thoughts?

    Yeah I was looking for the hypers the last few days but nothing. I am really only looking to get in the mid 3's with my OC - so I am hoping I should be ok with what I have. Besides even at stock, I am coming from an Athlon 3800 with 2gigs of ram and a 7800GT - so anything is better LOL
  5. W

    New System Ordered - Thoughts?

    Well I did have some questions on the bottom, mainly - which if why I asked for thoughts :) I picked up the Acer because the price was right - if it doesn't work out then I have no issues going to pick something up - but I wanted to keep everything under $1500 total for now.
  6. W

    New System Ordered - Thoughts?

    Just wanted to post the new system that I ordered this morning - and see some thoughts. After more then a month of research, reading posts here, and other articles I finally went for it. The main uses are going to be: Gaming, Virtual Machines, and other home uses Combos are as follows...
  7. W

    I7 860 Cooler

    Understanding that the Hyper 212 + is probably the best of the bunch (though the issue is, not in stock anywhere) - are there any other good choices? I have every other component picked out: i7 860 with HAF 922 Case Gigabyte UD4P Mobo with Corsair Dominator (4gig) Corsair Dominator (4gig) and...
  8. W

    First Build (1000-1200)

  9. W

    5850 or 5870 Availability

    I noticed the Tigerdirect one much earlier today, but the blurb about" This item will be shipped in 5-7 business days To me, seemed like someone was trying to sell something they didn't have in stock at the current moment - so I passed.
  10. W

    I7 920 vs i5 750 vs i7 860 Poll

    I enjoy reading how people think i7 860 builds are SOOOO much cheaper then i7 920 builds.... If you are going on the cheap, then the 750 is much cheaper - but: 860 costs more by itself The 920 MoBos are only more if you go to the 200+ route 6GBs of RAM is less then 8GBs of RAM - unless you go...
  11. W

    Good gaming PC ?

    Honestly right now, 2x 5870 is pretty much overkill for any game (unless you are playing on a 30+ inch monitor) - I would personally drop it down to one, and you give yourself another 380ish to play with. You can easily upgrade the ps with that, as well as either save some money (didn't see...
  12. W

    New Vs. Refurbished Gaming Rigs (Dual Vs. Quad) - Need Help Choosing!

    I guess it depends on which games you are going to play - and what resolution you want to play at.
  13. W

    Build listed, thoughts - and anything missing?

    Yes I intend to stick with the 1366 i7 due to having a clear upgrade path - and also if I decide to xfire in the future, I like having the full x16 bandwidth for both cards.