Recent content by woollyhat

  1. W

    Question Replacing motherboard- stupid questions (help me please)

    Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I checked the temperature in BIOS and while it didn't show a temp for the motherboard, it did have a CPu temp which said 44 degrees. Thank you so much, your reply literally saved me some money I don't have. I hope you have a great rest of the summer!
  2. W

    Question Replacing motherboard- stupid questions (help me please)

    Hi! Yes, it's prebuilt, I purchased it that way. It's an ASUS G11CD
  3. W

    Question Replacing motherboard- stupid questions (help me please)

    Hey guys! Speccy says my motherboard is overheating (122°C). I'd like to replace it but I have no idea what I need to know / take into account. I'd figure I need to know the new motherboard is compatible with all the other components of my PC and with the case. How do I figure that out...