Recent content by xixWILLxix

  1. X

    Asus ROG Strix gtx 1080 lights staying on after pc is shoutdown

    Hey guys I installed my asus gtx 1080 strix and when I shut down the pc where the pcie power cables are plugged into the card there is 2 little led lights that will stay on a white light one tunrs red when one side is not plugged in I think its like a status indactor to say that the card has...
  2. X

    Can you sli a 1080 and a 770 gtx ?

    Hey guys just got my gtx 1080 can you Sli my old 770 instead of just throwing it out for some benefit ? Or being 2 different series it wouldn't work or no point ? Kind regards
  3. X

    Have a gtx 770 4gb should i upgrade to 1070 or 1080 ?

    Hey guys I currently running a gtx 770 4gb and it play my games alright but starting to show its age now with the 144hz monitor that I recently brought, so just wondering to pay at better fps and better frame rate is the 1080 really worth it for the price or would I be better off getting the...
  4. X

    Currently have a gtx 770 4gb don't know weather to get another one and sli or sell mine and upgrade to 970.

    Feels like I'm falling behind in the gpu department, can still play the witcher 3 on ultra at about 60fps but I just upgraded my monitor to a 144hz gaming one and now I wanna be able to easily run everything and anything on an easy 120+fps. My rig is a i7 4770k, 16gb ram, 500gb ssd with a 1tb...
  5. X

    Acer XB240H monitor, when enetering games changes the blacks to look faded and more grey

    Hey guys I just got my new 144hz monitor with G-sync and once I got all settings up and changed to 144hz the screen flickered a few times and when it come back on the shades of black looked a lot lighter more of a grey than a black I read around about playing with the colour vibrancy in the...