Recent content by zachary k

  1. Z

    Microsoft Shows First Look at Windows 8 Interface

    I like how everyone is judging it absolutely terrible from a short video. Guys, you have no idea what the final product will look or feel like. Give it a chance, it might be the future. And if you look the classic 7 interface is still there, this is clearly optional.
  2. Z

    Cray Launches XK6 Hybrid Supercomputer

    So, where would the D-wave fall performance wise? would it even be measured in flops?
  3. Z

    Buy Your Own Quantum Computer for $10 Milion

    Yea, but how fast will it calculate PI?
  4. Z

    Intel Launches Z670/650 Oak Trail Processors

    yea, I will wait for the next one seeing as how Intel will have to play nice with Nvidia which means better ION!
  5. Z

    Windows 8 to Have Built-in PDF Reader

    rohitbaranDude, they can simply release it separately instead of bundling it. Bundling is what makes the software kind of default and prevents users from looking for alternatives. That's what happened with IE. people have a right to be as lazy as they want, and companies have a right to take...
  6. Z

    Intel Announces 'Sandy Bridge' Xeon E7 10-cores

    CCP (makers of eve online) just dropped 50 grand to be the first company to use this chip. fighting the war on lag with the latest servers!
  7. Z

    Microsoft Files Lengthy Complaint Against Google

    hey MS, you can sue people into using your search. sock it to them google!
  8. Z

    ISSCC: Organic Processor Demonstrated

    so will I be able to power my laptop but give it nom noms?
  9. Z

    Steve Jobs Rumored Terminally Ill; Shares Fall

    perhaps it is just a build up of doucebaggary? at any rate, get well soon (not well enough to run apple, but well enough to be alive)
  10. Z

    Egypt Gets Its Internet Back

    rmmil978Well people are being shot, set on fire, being stoned to death, stabbed and whatnot, but at least you can update your status now as "Just got set on fire, fml" it's not that bad over there. its a peaceful protest, or was until the pro-government mob started throwing rocks at the protesters.
  11. Z

    Egyptian Government Orders ISPs to Switch Off

    yea, that will stop it. or instead more people will be angry and more people will protest and riot, only this time is will be EVERYWHERE instead of organized in one place.
  12. Z

    Compulab Puts Tegra 2 into Super Compact PC

    some people bring around their apps on a flash drive. then there are those who bring around an OS on their flash drive. then...then there are those who bring around their own computer in their pocket. depending on how much it costs, might get it if i got some extra funds. might even fit in my...
  13. Z

    2011: Is Microsoft Drifting Into Insignificance?

    the day that linux can natively run all games is the day that i switch form windows. (not really, i bought windows 7 so i will use it for its life cycle)
  14. Z

    Breaking: Apple Files Touchscreen Mouse Patent

    i would say Apple is evil, but my beloved Microsoft does the same thing. it's just the nature of the beast.
  15. Z

    Acer to Replace Netbooks with Sandy Bridge Tabs

    i will take a full, physical keyboard over a pure touchscreen any day.