Recent content by zarmaan

  1. Z

    Recommend me a psu

    Almost every vote will be CX because: 1. TT is known to produce cheaper parts compared to other companies. 2. RGB marketed parts are usually targeted towards people who put asthetics above quality and perfomance resulting in poor product. 3. CX platform is known to be good or safe to use/ I...
  2. Z

    Recommend me a psu

    Buy the cx.
  3. Z

    AMD support for cooler?

    I don't feel safe with the idea of watercooling so i had to buy an aircooler obviously but my choices were limited to hyper 212x, hyper 412 or 612 v2 so i bought 612 v2 thinking that it will handle higher tdp cpus and will have great support for HEDT platforms in the future. What confuses me is...
  4. Z

    Can i change connectors?

    Like Tuff armor on asus boards? But still the connectors would look bad with different colors like orange, green, white, and blue. How much does 3D printing usually costs? for ATX size cover. Sorry for replying so late.
  5. Z

    Looking for better graphics card and RAM!!

    GT 730 is pretty much useless..... can you give the model number of that psu? what is your budget? Stick to reliable generic rams since you can't do OC on that board.
  6. Z

    Spare e5540 dont know what to do with it

    Practice weird things with it maybe? practice overclocking on it?
  7. Z

    Can i change connectors?

    Can I change connectors such as SATA, EPS, ATX power, IDE, USB header etc etc on the motherboard so I can have a custom themed board? I have experience with soldering but I was wondering if anyone has done that and if they ran into problems or not.
  8. Z

    Would two WD Red 3tbs make more noise than one WD Red 6tb?

    I meant hdd producing heat not psu temps rising.
  9. Z

    Is there any GPU that supports more than 6 monitors?

    You should look at quadro's and firepros as they have support for a lot of displays.
  10. Z

    Would two WD Red 3tbs make more noise than one WD Red 6tb?

    Two drives will take more power too which will increase the load on power supply too and will generate more heat than a single drive which in turn result in less efficient machine but will protect some data if 1 drive fails opposed to all the data at risk with a single drive.
  11. Z

    Would this cooler fit an lga 1150 mobo?

    1155 1156 1150 1151 all use the same cooler mount dimensions. if it works with 1155 it WILL work with 1150.
  12. Z

    Will this cooler fit?

    Can hyper 612 v2 fit on DH61DLB3? case is antec 300 and memory are low profile ones. Would there be any obstructions or limitations?
  13. Z

    Stacking hp cases?

    Finding a place for it would be hard(cold and isolated) in my house. I haven't worked with wood but I have some experience with metal. If I could get dimensions correct I might be able to make a customized to my needs rack(height, door type, lock, vents) Thank you for your time bro. It seems...
  14. Z

    Stacking hp cases?

    Can I keep r200 in the same room where I sleep? r200 costs more so I will have to buy them first then save up to buy a rack later.
  15. Z

    Stacking hp cases?

    Things I failed to mention: *Looking for a cheap setup(pdu are expensive and the cheapest used rack I found was 250$) *Elite 8000 doesn't have any vents on sides only on front and back. Your point on cooling seems a real issue. I don't think racks come with free ups, pdu, organizers etc. Can...