Hello friends.
I recently got a 1660 Ti from a 970. I am interested in potentially getting a new part for my PC to help improve performance. However, I am unsure on where to start regarding which part I should select to upgrade. Potentially, the oldest one, or soon to be most obsolete.
I appreciate the helpful advice. Is the performance of the 1070 noticeably better than the 1660 Ti, or are they similar enough to where it wouldn't matter?
Why do you say tomorrow? Also, is there a significant differnce between the 1660 Ti and super?
Edit: Forgot cyber Monday was a thing. LOL, thanks for the reminder!
Looking to upgrade my GTX 970 to something better to get a little more frames. Is there a good GPU that would improve my PC in the $200-$250 price range? Any opinions are appreciated, I am also quite new to building PCs. The 970 was given as a spare from a friend.