Recent content by Zer0123

  1. Zer0123

    Question fps dropped after game crashed

    What you saw was a BSOD (blue screen of death), it's usually not a good sign when it appears, but you shouldn't really worry too much about it if it's the first time you've come across it, it's basically a system crash, it's your pc's go-to when it encounters a fatal error. You should've...
  2. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] Upgrading from a GTX 970 for optimum VR performance. What can I do with my current setup?

    You could probably get a 1660 super. As for bottlenecking, your CPU would be the bottleneck, but it wouldn't be THAT noticeable so it's not an outright "NO GO". About the sites, they're not exactly the ol' reliable but they're not incorrect either. But all in all, a 1660 or 1660 super wouldn't...
  3. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] Do GPU capacitors have to be cooled?

    Shouldn't be a problem, especially if that's how it was from the get-go. As long as the heatsink isn't putting much pressure on the capacitor, there's nothing to worry about.
  4. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] My RX 570 show as microsoft basic display driver

    Are you sure the display is connected to the GPU itself and not the motherboard? If it is actually connected to the motherboard, turn the pc off, plug the display into the GPU and start the PC.
  5. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] how to understand the specs of Graphics card?

    Well that's good! Knowledge like that can come in handy. What you can do is read up articles on those matters or watch some youtube videos that explain such things (I know I know, I'm being the captain obvious here) and then ask about any specific part you don't understand. I suggest starting...
  6. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] how to understand the specs of Graphics card?

    You can read up on each of the specific features/technologies, but the overall bottomline is that both AMD and Nvidia technologies aim to achieve the same thing, albeit sometimes through different means and different names. For example, Nvidia Cuda core technology is the equivalent to AMD's...
  7. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] can a broken motherboard to destroy card graphics?

    A GPU draws power from both the mobo and the external connector. So it could've been shorted by drawing irregular power from one of its power sources (mobo).
  8. Zer0123

    Question How to enable integrate GPU controller/integrated gpu? No option in bios/device manager/nvidia panel

    Well are you connecting the second screen to the mobo or the dedicated GPU? The integrated gpu won't actually be in the device manager unless it's being used. Connecting a second screen to the mobo(not the dedicated GPU) and turning on the PC would enable it automatically.
  9. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] can a broken motherboard to destroy card graphics?

    Well it's not impossible, but very unlikely. Theoretically if there are any irregularities in the voltage, it could damage and short the components, but the mobo doesn't have enough power to actually destroy a GPU. But yes it's possible, especially if the card is entirely powered by the PCI-E slot.
  10. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] can a broken motherboard to destroy card graphics?

    It would be unlikely for the mobo itself to have killed the GPU, but it is possible for a faulty PSU to damage both the mobo and the GPU. Popped capacitors are mostly the result of bad voltages and/or overheating. So it's more likely for your PSU to have damaged both the mobo and the GPU, than...
  11. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] Will my Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3L motherboard be compatible with a NVIDIA GeForce GT1660 graphics card?

    Well both of those cards are PCI-E 3 gen cards, but they should be compatible with a PCI-E mobo, but using a 1660 with any CPU compatible with that mobo would result in a huge bottleneck. A 660 would work fine, but I would suggest upgrading the whole PC if possible since even a GTX 660 is...
  12. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] Watch Dogs Legion

    Your temps are fine. But side panels exist for a reason. Unless you have case with a lot of dead zones and rat nests (cables piling up etc, basically anything that would hinder the airflow or anywhere that the cool air can't reach/ hot air can't get out of), the airflow would be optimal and...
  13. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] SOS, can't install graphics card drivers for my new GPU

    Have you tried uninstalling the driver and then booting up the system and attempting installation? You can also try installing even older drivers to see if it even works or not. If you just got the GPU from ebay and it's been acting this way from the get-go, you might've bought a faulty card.
  14. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] What's the best GTX 1650?

    Should work fine. Anything above 400 watts would go swimmingly with it, I would suggest getting a 550 one in case you want to upgrade in the future. But if you're not planning on upgrading anytime soon (1-2 years) then yes a CX450 would be sufficient.
  15. Zer0123

    [SOLVED] Please someone talk some sense into this man!

    Well when it comes to consoles and their maximum FPS, it's a case by case scenario. It is said that PS5 can supposedly achieve up to 120fps, but the emphasis is on the "up to" part. Not every game is going to support being run at 120fps, and that brings us to the next factor: resolution. As a...