Recent content by Zero Hero

  1. Z

    r9 380 vs gtx 950

    my R9 270x would eat that 950 that 380 is = to a 285
  2. Z

    Can someone help me with CPU temperature issues??

    I suggest a getting a better Heatsink right off the bat. Hands down. Also make sure you have good case do heat of CPU and the VGA. So what case are you using. Air Flow in your case going be a big issue you That CPU needs alot cool air begin with.
  3. Z

    New PC Builder looking for some advice

    LOL good PSU can save you money over time I suggest Platuim versionone if you want save money over time and free batter about your self. Stock Heat Sink. Spend some money and get a good HS you'll need it for that FX and a good case for AIR Movement. Good case make a world of differents This...
  4. Z

    Upgrading my ~2010 built PC on a budget. Looking for advice.

    What CPU are you going to use with at board. Personally becuase I'm on a budget I use a amd apu as my base. put a 270x in it.
  5. Z

    100 % cpu usage

    Yea you have low end CPU. As a gamer you need to lower settings and update your rig to 4x chip to really game.
  6. Z

    i7 4790k full load no OC 94 degrees celsius

    That not really a gaming case. Way to much much heat for it to handle for a small space and and also your HS not the best. Here a better option of a case water cooling solution...
  7. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    good luck in your hunt and build
  8. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on this what my systems use just give you a idea
  9. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    well personally I would shop online for the best deals and I cann't say much more do I'm american. Don't know euro shops
  10. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    what your budget for a new psu like??
  11. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    What is your Power supply maker and model
  12. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    make sure that power swicth isn't broken by swicthing reset and power around!!
  13. Z

    I built my new rig and doesn't turn on

    I'm sorry I'm laugh my butt of here. GT630 paired on a FX-8350 lol. 1. Is this a custom build or a store model. 2. What have you tested on it has the ram, the LOL video card god I hope really did pay much for it. and HD, and PSU make sure they work. I to know more about the PSU Brand and...
  14. Z

    confused between 2 editions of the same cpu!

    As a gamer and a AMD user of a apu 7850 and FX6300 and ph2 6x 3.2 BE. I can suggest a anything that not stock standard air HS. Water keep your proc cooler unload when you need it and when you want it proccess fast as possible. I would never Dream have using a stock air HS on a FX 8350 4gz...
  15. Z

    Will my AMD Athlon II 3.4Ghz Dual core bottleneck with a EVGA GTX 750 superclocked?

    What version of MB do you have. 2 what BIOS is it using. Because CPU upgrade and really cheap card or Free PCI-e card from friend that has a spare. This more then more destroy your current setup and set you up for better Gaming exp in long run.