Recent content by zombiedigger

  1. Z

    Cpu L1 cache error

    Ran occt for an hour without errors at all. Absolute max cpu temp was 67 now with the 1.28v After that I did some more research with crysis3 (I swear, only research purposes :D) and didnt get no red screens or freezes. Nice. To anybode out there with FX-8350... 1.3v is a very good choice with...
  2. Z

    Issues adding second hard drive, help please!

    If you have many sata slots on the motherboard, make sure your hdd number 1 is on slot 1 and so on.. Make sure all the power cables are attached well. Could you post the model and make of the hdd number2?
  3. Z

    USE PC's Ethernet port for internet?

    Accessing the Web Configuration Tool To access the Web Configuration Tool: 1. On your phone, do the following to obtain your phone’s IP address: • Press (SUPERKEY). • Press the Line 1 (Prime Line) key. Your phone’s IP address appears. • Write down the IP address, and then press (SUPERKEY)...
  4. Z

    Stress test temps

    Run the test again and monitor the temps with few software at the same time, if they both show same temp, then the value should be realistic. It is normal for the temps to rise high under heavy load, but I dont know for sure that is 85c for your card normal max temp.
  5. Z

    Issues with new MOBO You should get one and connect it to a motherboard. As GhislainG said, its an inexpensive tool. Very good one for these "doesnt boot" cases.
  6. Z

    Issues adding second hard drive, help please!

    Am I correct that your whole computer wont start with the hdd number 2 added to the computer? Or just the hdd2 wont start?
  7. Z

    web site database

    First of all you should find out if your server supports database. If its your own hardware then you have to install the database support. If its not your own hardware, then find out does it support for an example MySql. If it does, then you dont have to "install it" Then decide what kind of a...
  8. Z

    Issues with new MOBO

    Does the motherboard beep? If not, take all of the ram out and try again if it beeps on startup. If not then take the whole system out of the case and to a wooden table. Hook up everything up except the ram and listen for dem beeps. If still not, then you should try with a another PSU. I have...
  9. Z

    Intermittent Connectivity in University rooms

    Looks like the ethernet port on the wall could be broken. How long cable are you using from the wall to the computer? Always try to use as short as possible. Are there any powercables close to the ethernet? They can disturb the data if the ethernet cable is not protected.
  10. Z

    USE PC's Ethernet port for internet?

    That may wary from the manufacturer of the phone, read the instruction manual. At least cisco phones have also Dynamic DNS config.
  11. Z

    Hardware failure after fresh windows re-install

    Upload your .dmp file from .../windows/minidump I could take a look and check what it tells us.
  12. Z

    3d mark score normal?

    To me, that seems pretty normal result with that system. Ram is normal as ram is dual data rate so DDR= Double Date Rate so 667x2 = little bit over 1200mhz
  13. Z

    BIOS setup on first build

    Does the motherboard beep anything? Hook a motherboard speaker to the mb and listen does it give you beeps, If it doesnt beep anything, It would sound like PSU problem, otherwise id go with the graphics card. The hdd doesnt matter, you should be able to go to bios without a hdd at all. Fans...
  14. Z

    USE PC's Ethernet port for internet?

    Yes you can. You can try to select them both at the same time (ethernet and wifi adapters) from the adapter settings and right click and choose the bridge connections. That should get your voip up and running. If you cant bridge them, then it should work by allowing others to connect trough it.
  15. Z

    FX 8320 + R9 270x

    Im running FX-8350 and 270x toxic everything is playable at highest settings, also the dayz standalone.