100 disk

Forum discussion tagged with 100 disk.
  1. Richmond Zedrik

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Freezing, 100% Disk and Restart to BIOS

    So i have this new built pc, i have it for atleast 1 week already and no problems occured so far but today my pc is running in 100% disk and it freezes after 50-80 secs after opening it. If i restart it it will direct to BIOS, the only way for me to open it again is by pressing the power button...
  2. E

    Question Gpu frequency

    I just wanna ask a simple question about my gpu. I have 1080ti, I overclocked it, but I notice something weird that is, when the gpu load reaches 99%, the frequency of the gpu core stars to be lower. I don't know why it isn't stable on one frequency during the full load. I5 8600k overclocked...
  3. C

    Worth upgrading my CPU cooler?

    Yesterday I changed my CPU cooler orientation, before It was blowing hot air down Now Its blowing to the back of cabinet And I changed "stock" thermal paste to this one (http://), my current cooler are pcyes zero k z2, It have only two copper tubes on both sides, and I get these temps: So, I...
  4. F

    Problems after instaliing windows

    Hi.I reinstalled my windows 10 and i can't play video games any more..until i haven t this problem.Enery time i start a video game, it is laggy(like a little FPS) and sometimes it freezes even if i set the settings to the lowes level.Even browsing is quite hard, because youtube freezes also...
  5. B

    PC crashing in bios

    Hello, So i just assembled my pc : i7 3770k stock @ 1.068v 8gb ddr3 1600 ecs z77h2 a2x deluxe v2.0 cm nepton 240m Once i go in the bios , about a minute later my pc will crash and can only be rebooted if i completly cut power to it ( turning of my psu for about 20 seconds ). I was wondering...
  6. S

    My HDD light isnt activating.

    MSI 970A-G46 Seagate 7200rpm 1TB HDD Corsair 300r case HDD light isnt working. Everything else is. Except front case usb as I dont have a header for usb 3.0 on my board. But I dont believe these are connected. Built the pc. Could reversing the cord hurt to see if it was wired backwards? Just...